Thinner for AR Resist

For adjusting the film thickness of photoresists and e-beam resists

AR 600-07 Thinner Product Brief 產品說明


AR 300-12 / AR 600-02 / AR 600-07 / AR 600-09

AR 300-12適用於光阻

AR 600-02 / AR 600-07 / AR 600-09 適用於電子束微影阻劑

AR 600-07 產品包裝:

1 L /瓶


出貨: ☑️ 2 - 4 週. 徳國運出

🔲 1 週. 國內庫存

Characterization 產品特性

    • main component: methoxypropanol

主要成份: 丙二醇甲醚 (PGME)

    • ultra-filtered, colorless, high-purity organic solvent mixtures


  • adjustment of resist film thickness by defined dilution


  • edge bead removal of coated substrates as well as cleaning of equipment


Dilution application 稀釋程序:

  • Dilution is performed as follows: 依下列程序進行稀釋:

  • placing of defined amount of resist, 置入需要的阻劑數量

  • addition of defined amount of thinner, 加入需要的稀釋劑數量

  • homogenisation by stirring (both liquids should be mixed quickly), and


  • fine filtration (0.2 μm).過濾 (規格: 2 um)

Information on dilution 稀釋相關資訊:

Higher dilutions of resists may cause gel formation of the polymers which leads to particle deposition in the resist film during the coating step. Diluted resists should therefore be subjected to ultra-filtration (0.2 μm) prior to use. In most cases it is more advantageous to adjust the desired film thickness by varying the spin speed or to utilize a pre- adjusted resist. Special adjustments of thickness values are possible on request for an additional charge.

稀釋阻劑可能形成高分子的膠狀物, 導致塗布時型成顆粒沈積. 建議使用前以0.2um規格過濾.

一般而言,建議以塗布轉速調整膜厚, 或者由原廠事先調好需要的濃度/黏度.


Formula for dilutions 稀釋計算式:

Example: Starting with a resist with 35 % solids content (AR-P 3510), a solids content of 31 % is desired. Requested is the amount of thinner AR 300-12 in g which has to be added to 100 g resist with 35 % solids content (mass m in g, solids content c /100).

If 100.0 g resist (35 % solids content = AR-P 3510) are diluted with 12.9 g thinner in defined manner, 112.9 g diluted resist (31 % solids content = AR-P 3540) will be obtained.

With this dilution, the film thickness is reduced from 2.0 to 1.4 μm at a spin speed of 4000 rpm.

範例: 以AR 300-12稀釋劑將固型份35%的光阻AR-P 3510稀釋至固型份31%. 加入的AR 300-12 thinner以g表示, 加入100g的AR-P 3510中. 計算式如上.

100g的AR-P 3510以12.9g的稀釋液加入, 可得固型份31%的稀釋光阻. 約當產品AR-P 3540, 固型份31%