Negative thick layer photoresist AR-N 4400 series (CAR 44)

For the application of electroplating, micro-system and LIGA

Processing instructions for the handing of thick films



The required tempering times are highly dependent on the respective film thickness:

thickness dry time(hot plate) drying time(convection oven)

10 um 10 min 1 hour

25 um 45 min 4 hour

50 um 90 min 7 hour

The use of temperature ramps is highly recommended, since too fast cooling may lead to tension cracks.

👉 Long intensive drying procedures result in decreased sensitivities and prolonged development times.


厚度 時間(熱板) 時間(對流烤箱)

10 um 10 min 1 hour

25 um 45 min 4 hour

50 um 90 min 7 hour



The cross-linking temperature can be varied in the range from 85 °C to 105 °C. The bake can be performed a few days after exposure without loss of sensitivity.

👉 Higher temperatures lead to a slower development.


光阻架橋溫度介於85℃至105℃之間. 此程序於執行曝光後幾天內,不至於降低其敏感度. 高溫架橋(曝後烤)會導致顯影變慢.


longer development times with weaker developer provide a higher imaging quality. For AR-N 4450-10T, the undercut (lift-off) of resist structures can be achieved by extending the development time at the minimum required exposure dose.

顯影: 以較弱顯影劑拉長顯影時間可得到較佳圖案品值. AR-N 4450-10T以低劑量曝光並拉長顯影時間可獲得下切型結構


Cross-linked structures can easily be removed by wet- or plasma chemical procedures using removers AR 600-71 and AR 300-76. Complicated electroplating structures as well as substrates treated with high temperatures require removers AR 600-71 or AR 600-70.

光阻去除: 光阻經架橋後形成的結構可以去除劑AR 600-71, AR 300-76或電漿去除. 基板上的光阻結構用於金屬電鍍則需AR 600-71AR 600-70去除劑.