Protective Coating AR-PC 5090.02 (Electra 92)

Conductive protective coating for non-Novolac based e-beam resists

Top layer for the dissipation of e-beam charges on insulating substrates

Process conditions – conduction coating for PMMA resist

This diagram shows exemplary process steps for resist Electra 92 - AR-PC 5090.02 and PMMA-resist AR-P 664.04. All specifications are guideline values which have to be adapted to own specific conditions.

圖示製程基準值是以AR-PC 5090.02及AR-P 664.04 PMMA EBL resist為範例. 參數為參考值. 使用者應依實際狀況加以調整.

Processing instruction

The conductivity may be varied by adjusting the thickness with different rotational speeds. Thicker layers of 90 nm thus have a 2.5 times higher conductivity as compared to 60 nm thick layers. For the build-up of an even conductive layer, the substrate should be wetted with the resist solution before the spin process is started. After a certain storage time at room temperature, the coating pattern of Electra may change slightly. To restore the coating pattern, treatment with ultrasound and filtration (0.2 μm) can then be carried out.

導電度會隨塗佈厚度而變化. 90nm厚度會比60nm厚度的導電度高約2.5倍.


材料在室溫存放一段時間可能會影響導電塗佈結果. 以超音波及0.2um過濾,可使材料恢復原來參數使用.